Aug 19

How To Separate Yourself From The Pack

Most athletes don’t really aim for the top because
they think there is too much competition.

So they set “achievable” goals.

Problem is, there is a lot more competition
for achievable goals than lofty ones.

And of the few athletes who DO shoot for the top,
most are not willing to do the intense physical

and mental training needed to get there.

That’s why separating yourself from the field
is much easier than you think. All you need to
do is aim high and pay the price to get there.

The catch?

You must pay full price, and you must
pay it in advance.

In 1981, tennis great Martina Navratilova
began training with her new coach, Nancy
Lieberman. Their goal was to supplant
Chris Evert as Number One in the world. At first, trying to reach this goal
was a disaster.

“I was discovering true pain in my body
for the very first time in my life, and
Nancy was discovering I did not like pain.” After several sets of dashes and springs,
it wasn’t long before Navratilova crumpled
to the ground.

“Get up!” Leiberman screamed, standing over her.

“I can’t get up,” Navratilova claimed.

Leiberman’s plan was simple: “You’re physically,
mentally, emotionally trying to push someone

where they don’t know they can go, but you
know they can go,” she said.

Leiberman knew that if she rose to the challenge,
Martina would separate herself from the field

with her athleticism.

The ultimate payoff? A confidence level superior
to anyone in tennis — and a career to match it.

Separating yourself is not hard IF you resolve
to pay the price – physically and mentally. It’s actually easy once you change what you
demand from yourself on a daily basis. It
means finding out how good you could truly

be with a geniune commitment to excellence.

If you would like some help from a friend
who cares — and is actually qualified to
help you get there, then you need my ADVANCED
Courage to Win in Sport training.

It’s 30 days of mental toughness training that will
change your competing self forever. And
I’m there, supporting you every step
of the way. Check it out here.

Light it up out there,

Lisa B.

The Courage to Win in Sport

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