Aug 19

The Secret Cause of Fear in Sport

By lisa | Uncategorized

There’s a secret cause of fear in sport that no one will ever tell you. …they probably think you can’t handle it. But I KNOW you can. So here goes. The secret cause of fear in sport is learned helplessness. In ancient times, when a merchant needed to train his baby elephant, he’d wrap a […]

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Aug 19

Stop Coddling Yourself And Break Through

By lisa | Uncategorized

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. Few athletes train hard enough to discover how good they could truly be. Most athletes are training at 60% capacity and think they are working too hard. But, a few actually GET what quality training is. They are the ones that break through. Take Muhammed Ali. […]

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Aug 19

How To Separate Yourself From The Pack

By lisa | Uncategorized

Most athletes don’t really aim for the top because they think there is too much competition. So they set “achievable” goals. Problem is, there is a lot more competition for achievable goals than lofty ones. And of the few athletes who DO shoot for the top, most are not willing to do the intense physical […]

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Aug 19

The 10,000 Hour Rule For Success In Sport

By lisa | Uncategorized

In Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell reveals why some people achieve extraordinary things. One undeniable factor is the 10,000 hour rule. Whether it’s Mozart, the Beatles, or Bill Gates, all extraordinary achievers put in a minimum of 10,000 hours developing their skills. And there are no exceptions. This doesn’t mean that talent isn’t a factor. You must […]

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Aug 19

How To Stop Over-Thinking and Over-Analyzing

By lisa | Uncategorized

I’ve said it over and over again. Athletes who struggle the most with their mental game tend to over-think and over-analyze. Analytical people are unusually smart, especially when it comes to solving problems. Unfortunately, this quality can get you into trouble in sport. Here’s the problem with being a super-star problem-solver. You fall in love […]

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