Thank You For Enrolling in Lisa’s
ARRIVE: Career Success Training Program
Your order has been successfully submitted. You will receive a sales receipt immediately by e-mail in a few moments. You will also receive an email that includes this link again.
Here is how to access The Courage to Win® ARRIVE: Career Success Training for Maximum Wealth, Achievement, and Fulfillment Private Members Website.
Copy the following webpage URL into your browser:
Enter your password.
Your password is: Careertraining24
You should now arrive at the Private Members Website.
Please save this webpage URL and password so you can return to the Members Website again and again.
Please add two e-mail addresses: and immediately to your safe list to ensure you will receive our correspondence about your training. If you encounter any problems with receiving our e-mail or product, please call us at 403-261-2726 or email us at
Here are your Bonus Gifts. Please see below for download instructions.
Giant FREE Gift #1
Lifetime Membership in the
ARRIVE Private Members Inner Circle
You are now a LIFETIME member of my “Inner Chamber” where the massive career and business breakthroughs occur. As an Inner Circle Member, you are entitled to the following:
Free Coaching / Consulting Call In Days
Four times a year (sometimes more), I will host Open Call In Days exclusively for my Inner Circle members. You will be given my Skype ID and a special telephone number via email for this reason and may call during specific hours.
Once you get through, you will have 20 minutes of time with me personally where we consult about YOU and your goals. You will receive notice of Call In Days directly to your inbox. We will also announce them in the ARRIVE Private Members website.
Product Discounts!
You’ll get a Discount Coupon Code to use online to get 20-30% discounts all year long on my catalogue of premium information products. You will receive your Code and how to use it to get a discount on all our information products in your ARRIVE welcome email. Put it in a safe place where you can access it.
One on One Personalized Support –
Twelve E-Consults
Once a month, you are entitled to an e-consult with us in which you can ask questions about any element of your career or business goals and get timely, personalized answers. Send your inquires to
This component of the membership is literally PRICELESS, because achievers who get our personalized advice tend to take a no-holds-barred quantum leap in their income, career/business, and ability to influence people immediately.
Private Members Website & Career Resources
To get access to my personal rolodex of elite coaches, and consultants in areas such as financial investments, business building, job searches, resume writing, interviewing, getting promotions, workplace productivity and efficiency, leadership and supervision, legal help, motivating people, and much more, refer to the Resources section inside your ARRIVE Private Members Website.
I’m actually going to give you the contact information of the people I use in my network when I need an expert.
This will save you a massive amount of time when you are seeking a professional, because I gave already “vetted” them for you. It’s one thing to have access to the information, but it’s another thing to have access to the PEOPLE. I don’t get any kind of kickback from this…it’s just who I use.
Giant FREE Gift #2
The Courage to Win®
Coach Power Training Program
How To Eliminate Fear, Build Deep Mental Toughness, And Achieve Any Goal– Even If You’ve Never Been Asked For Advice In Your Life!
To gain access to your Coach Power Training program, go here:
Enter your password. Your password is: power77
Giant FREE Gift #3
How To Make Yourself
Irresistible Audio Program
That’s why you need advanced relationship skills, which I give you in my “How To Make Yourself Irresistible” audio program. Download it here:
The CD is split into 2 parts
Use these links to download your CD:
Part One | Part Two
To download the written transcript of your CD, click here
*To save the CD, right click the link and choose “Save Target As…”
Giant FREE Gift #4
Emotional Clearing Book
Releasing Negative Feelings and
Awakening Unconditional Happiness
You will learn why irrational fear is the number one cause of all money worries and insecurity and how to release it. Learn how suppressed, unreleased fear can self-perpetuate and actually attract conditions of scarcity and lack.
You will learn why loving yourself (which is not simply trying to generate loving thoughts about yourself) is the one of the most powerful ways to reach your potential and how to do it .
Learn how to handle relationships so that you can use conflict to advance personal growth instead of spiraling downward into blame and mistrust.
Click Here to receive your bonus.
Giant FREE Gift #5
Think and Grow Rich Book
by Napolean Hill
The result was a book called Think and Grow Rich, which went on to sell 20 million copies. As stated on the cover, “This book could be worth a million dollars to you.”
Click Here to receive your bonus.