Game Face Sports Mental Preparation Program • The Courage to Win

“Awesome Psyche Up Secret Allows You To
Eliminate Nerves, Unleash Your Confident
GAME FACE, and Win Under Pressure.

It’s Simple, Fun, And I Guarantee It!”


Lisa Lane Brown’s

How to Psyche Yourself Up and

Armed with this GAME FACE psyche up routine, you will be able to climb the rankings to become the star athlete you’ve always known you could be.

You will enjoy top finishes in big events…oodles of playing time…a coach who worships the ground you walk on…your choice of roles, teammates, schools, and scholarships. You will be pursued by leagues, teams, or schools, be given all-star awards, and finally achieve the respect of rivals and fans in your sport.

Best of all, you will be able to consistently deliver peak performances and wins instead of falling short and never knowing why.

Dear Friend,

In my new program I reveal an awesome psyche up secret so powerful (and effortless) that once you discover it, you’ll be dismayed that you’ve spent your entire competing life without it.

Today you will learn how to dramatically improve your ability to execute and win under pressure by turning nerves or that “flat” feeling into confidence and determination before your event starts.

This secret gives you the chance to finally:

Be confident! You’ll stop big goal-scorers, score winning goals, dominate matches right from the beginning, achieve personal peak performances, and break records — even on days when you feel just ‘average.’

Stop performing ‘scared’ and bring out your inner determination and aggressiveness instead.

Connect with your amazing talent and strengths and BELIEVE in ways you have before.

Start your event off flying and THEN raise your game to a whole new level.

Actually SEE yourself winning and dominating, no matter who your opponents are.

Create a true killer instinct, including the ability to crush rivals even without special advantages over them such as speed, superior technique, or stamina.

Finally silence your internal doubts that you are ‘not quite good enough’ and stand up and take your place in the record books instead.


You need a GAME FACE psyche up routine because success at the highest levels of sport is as thin as a razor’s edge.

It’s not the best team or athlete who wins on competition day; it’s the athlete who performs the best that wins.

There are two major, very common mistakes most athletes make when they are psyching up day of the event.

The first mistake is that they do NOTHING. They follow a simple routine (eat, nap, warm up) and invoke some superstition, like wearing the same socks for weeks on end.

This is leaving your psyche up to chance, and I do NOT recommend it.

The second mistake most athletes make is if they are not feeling calm and confident, they become unglued about their mental game. They reason to themselves, “I should be confident today. What’s wrong with me?”

Now they have two problems: 1) they are feeling performance anxiety, and 2) they are panicking about it.

You, however, are different. You are going to learn…

How To “Psyche Up” Using GAME FACE
and Eliminate The Nerves or De-Motivation
That Are Killing Your Performance!

You are going to program yourself to be able to trigger confidence, motivation, and genuine determination in the moments leading up to your event no matter what’s going on around you.

You are going to learn how to psyche yourself up in a way that eliminates your nerves and triggers massive confidence in yourself so you can deliver peak performances and WIN in big events.

Using the GAME FACE…

You can begin every event confident, relaxed and in the zone.

You can re-focus when facing setbacks, when someone frustrates you, or when you are tired so you can come back stronger than ever

You can increase your confidence and focus and even step out of your comfort zone under pressure so that you dominate out there

You can overcome anxiety, nerves, and perfectionism and raise your performance, no matter what’s happening around you

You can let go of self-doubt and selling yourself short, once and for all!

Why GAME FACE Is So Magical…

GAME FACE is your alter ego. It’s your Sasha Fierce. It’s bringing out your sun energy – the force of will. It’s your cocky self. It’s your “For The Love Of The Game” attitude.

It’s getting yourself in the Ideal Performance State and with the right energy level so you can be aggressive. It’s concentrating in the NOW.

The magic of a proper GAME FACE routine is that it gives you control over your day. You may not be able to control much in sport, but you can execute your GAME FACE routine, and it’s enough to get your your confidence exactly where it needs to be in order to shine in big events and WIN.

When you learn exactly how to create a GAME FACE that brings out your best, you’ll be able to do the most incredible things out there.

In fact, I absolutely guarantee that mastering GAME FACE will be one of the most potent, thrilling things you ever learn as an athlete.

It is going to wipe out the aggravation you’re having today. Whether you are not playing well in tryouts or evaluation situations, not showing your best in actual competitions, or just plain underachieving, you can eliminate these issues with lightening speed.

The best part is you will not have to spend extra time (in fact I don’t want you investing more time – I want you investing less).

You will immediately start dominating out there and enjoying your sport as well.

How to Psyche Yourself Up
& DOMINATE Big Events

GAME FACE was born when I challenged myself to create the simplest, easiest method possible for turning nerves and self-doubt into confidence and determination. I set out the following criteria:

1. GAME FACE had to be ridiculously simple.

2. GAME FACE had to work for every athlete who did it.

3. GAME FACE had to provide you with the ability to get in the zone so you have awesome confidence and focus at the start of your events.

The result?

A proven, amazing routine that you can use to program yourself with incredible confidence with virtually zero effort on your part.

No endless studying or journaling.

No exhausting affirmations or trying to change your thinking.

It’s almost like pushing a button! It’s that easy!

Here’s a quick re-cap of what you will discover:

Module One

How to Take Pressure Off Yourself Before Competing

In this module you will learn exactly how to take pressure off yourself before you compete so that you can express yourself out there and bring out your best.

Module Two

How to Eliminate Performance Anxiety

You will program yourself to eliminate performance anxiety and replace it with self-trust so that you can begin your event flying high with confidence.

Module Three

Emotional Visualization

How to Use the Power of Positive Feeling to Win

In this module you will discover how to visualize before your events with emotion so that you activate confidence, focus and determination and raise your performance instead so you can score winning goals, close out matches, achieve personal bests, and break records.

Module Four

The Magic of Ingredient 'X'

Ingredient 'X' is the special sauce that superstar athletes use to focus and calm themselves right before the beginning of major events to get the edge.

Using Ingredient 'X', you will experience the flow state of joy and optimal performance, embrace the challenge of competing, and heighten your awareness of everything around you so you can execute perfectly.

Easy Delivery & Immediate Access

GAME FACE is in Adobe Acrobat file (.pdf) and MP3 format. After ordering, you will be directed to a secure page, where you will download your files. Almost all computers have Adobe Acrobat Reader pre-installed and there will be no wait time.

The whole process takes just a few minutes and you'll have your method in less than 5 minutes from right now.

I'll Only Sell 500 Copies At This Price

Time is very much "Of the Essence"… I can't stress the time-sensitiveness of this offer enough.

Not only will the 500 copies go quickly (at which point the discount will expire) but trust me, you don't want to miss it…

Click Here to Claim Your Copy of GAME FACE for only $7

Here's What My Students Say…

"I played my best, even in the most high pressure moments."

Lisa's mental toughness online program made me a 2 time World Champion. I was ready to conquer every possible distraction in international competition. I played my best, even in the most high pressure moments.LAURA WARNER, TEAM CANADA, RINGETTE

"I am a more focused, driven, and prepared player"


I am a more focused, driven, and prepared player because of the Courage to Win®. Charmaine ReidCHARMAINE REID, OLYMPIAN, BADMINTON

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