NEW! Group Coaching and Training Program
from Lisa Lane Brown

Truly, Madly, Deeply

The Magic Mirror Method
for Rescuing Your Relationship, Saving Your Marriage,
and Creating Lasting Love and Passion

Lisa Brown

From: Lisa Lane Brown 
3-time World Champion  

Dear Friend,

When love hits a rough patch, fixing it becomes a now-or-never kind of thing. Picture it as a small window of time. As love hits a rough patch, there is a window of opportunity opens that unfortunately does not stay open for long.

When as a couple you are dealing with unhappiness, low trust, or feelings of rejection and inadequacy, the stress mounts.

 If you wait too long, the chance to rescue your relationship might vanish…waiting could mean missing out on the love you truly deserve.

I can speak with authority on this subject. 

My name is Lisa Lane Brown, and I got interested in the secrets to relationship rescue because I had a few ‘hard knocks’ of my own when it comes to relationships.

In fact, 19 years ago my own spouse broke up with me.

Although we were very much in love, there were some things I just didn’t understand about the principles of love mastery…and quite frankly, I made some serious mistakes that led to a three year break up.

I will share more on my experience in a moment, but suffice to say that I needed to fix my ignorance about how to unlock my soulmate’s heart and create passionate, lasting love.

Of course, the main thing blocking me at the time was my ‘inner game’ – my fears of rejection and not being good enough - something most of us secretly harbor.

I can honestly say that deciding to handle these fears once and for all – and learning the 3 stunning secrets for rescuing a relationship and creating lasting love – has been the biggest achievement of my life.

Armed with these 3 stunning, breakthrough secrets, you will be able to quickly and easily get the passion and trust back, save your marriage and even stop your divorce – even if you’re the only one who wants to make it work.

In fact, assuming you can’t get the love, the trust, and passion back unless your partner is also willing to work on the relationship is the #1 lie everyone believes, and it is one of the main causes for failure.

It’s not too late -- because even though you may not realize it right now, YOU are the leader.

You are going to be the one to rescue the relationship, re-ignite the passion, and lead your partner back to love.

When you unlock your partner’s heart, you build a virtual time machine and take your partner back to a time where they feel like you are their soul mate – the only person on earth who can truly make them happy…the only person who understands them, opens up their world, and lights their fire.

You take your man or woman from having little to no romantic interest in you, (or being shut down towards you) to being hopelessly obsessed with and attracted to you and only you.

I’ll show you how to take your partner from being angry or indifferent to open and loving again.

It doesn’t matter if the romance seems to be completely gone – I’ll show you how to light your man or woman’s fire and how to build such an intense, passionate connection that they will ‘rue the day’ they ever thought about leaving you.

Ready to Start Creating Lasting, Passionate Love?

Why Do You Need to Unlock Your Partner’s Heart?

If your relationship is struggling, dying, or has been declared over, it means that your man or woman has a closed mind towards you. They are turned off or shut down.

Chances are they don’t trust you. They are focusing on all the ways the relationship is not working (or did not work).

Somehow, they are forgetting all the deep love and amazing memories between you.

Worst of all, they are not very attracted to you right now. They are not desiring you, obsessing over you, or fantasizing about you the way they should be given that you are their soul mate – the one person on earth who makes them feel truly free.

The problem is that when your man or woman is shut down or turned off, they are not motivated to do what it takes to re-ignite the passion, deepen the love, and make it last for life. They are not motivated to fix the challenges that got you here.

I’m talking about the common challenges all couples face such as selfishness, jealousy, money stress, taking your partner for granted, being critical, becoming emotionally needy, and toxic in laws (just to name a few).

When they think about your relationship, they feel numb, angry and even bitter. To your partner, that fabulous getaway vacation you both enjoyed feels like a giant waste of money.

Your beautiful children seem less exciting compared to the new life they are fantasizing about.

That cozy house you share is old news. They may even act like hanging out with you is a chore sometimes.

But soon enough, your man or woman will feel an almost obsessive need to be with you.

The longer you let your partner to stay on ‘lockdown’, the more likely it is that your relationship will either go into crisis mode or fail (if it hasn’t already).

That’s why it’s critical that you move fast to unlock your partner’s heart before the window of opportunity closes for good.

If you’re wondering if your partner is actually on ‘lockdown’ or not, here are some signs:

  • You’ve grown apart and feel distant from each other – you no longer wake up each day with the joy of being in love. 
  • The passion and sex have dwindled.
  • You feel cranky and irritable towards each other for no apparent reason.
  • You cannot resolve core issues and fight about some of them repeatedly (or have just given up on resolving them).
  • You feel as though your mate has checked out of the marriage. Whenever you try to bring it up, they avoid the issues.
  • One or both of you has had an emotional or actual affair.
  • You or your partner is talking about being unhappy, getting separated, or considering divorce.

The truth is that the only way to save a struggling marriage (or reverse a breakup) is to take the critical first step of opening your partner’s heart.

Once your man or woman is OPEN, they will once again start fantasizing about you and thinking about you with longing, and passion, and desire.

You open your partner’s mind so that they trust you, focus on the good between you, and are extremely attracted to you (whether they want to feel this way or not). Usually it can be done in a matter of weeks with the right training.

When your mate’s heart is on lockdown, they are defensive. The good news is that YOU hold the key to unlocking their heart and lowering their defenses.

Ready to Start Creating Lasting, Passionate Love?

I'm not sure exactly why things 'clicked' with Shannon like they did, but they did in a big way. I feel a spiritual connection to her I cannot explain. I love her with all my heart. The circumstances of our lives when we got together two years ago were extremely challenging, and we could not be together the way I'd hoped. I became impatient and acted in ways that were not myself, and we broke up. I was devastated. This is when I searched and found Lisa. Lisa showed me how to deal with my emotions and communicate in such a way that unlocked Shannon's heart. In turn, she became more forgiving of me. Today we are in a committed, loving, amazing relationship and just got married! I can't tell you how happy I am, and she is too. We have developed a deep and loving relationship that is in no small part because of your coaching.  I found your advice invaluable! 

- Roy and Shannon 

Ready to Start Creating Lasting, Passionate Love?

This brings us to the 64 Million Dollar Question…

How Do I Unlock My Partner’s Heart,
Rescue My Relationship,
and Get the Love and Passion Back?

To open your partner’s heart again, the first thing you do is you stop making the 3 Love Loss Mistakes.

These mistakes are what every person in a struggling relationship is accidentally doing to push their partner further away. Please pay careful attention because these are secrets virtually no one knows, including 97% of counselors and therapists.

I cannot stress this enough.

I had to learn the 3 secrets the hard way, through years of trial and error, because the traditional approaches rarely work once one partner’s heart is closed off (the divorce statistics bear this out).

I had to figure out the exact steps to unlocking one partner’s heart on my own, but you don’t have to.

I’m going to give you a simple, paint-by-number roadmap to recovery that will allow you to see the path ahead and avoid the pitfalls with crystal clarity.

LOVE Loss Mistake #1 Getting into a Power Struggle with Your Man or Woman

The first Love Loss Mistake is to get into a power struggle with your man or woman. What I mean by ‘power struggle’ is that when your partner starts to close their heart and mind, you will feel rejected, pushed away, and disempowered.

This is the point where most people will try to gain some control back by getting into a power struggle. Here is are some signs that you are in a power struggle with your man or woman:

  • You get into long conversations about how your partner is feeling about you and what is wrong with the relationship
  • You try to convince your partner that you are compatible. You might even explain how you are so good together. You might bed or plead.
  • You are super nice, accommodating, and go out of your way to please your partner and show them how wonderful you are. When this does not work, you become confused and frustrated and let them know it – causing your partner to feel you are being manipulative.
  • If your partner mentions something upsetting you did, you defend yourself and explain why you acted that way.
  • You become upset and say hurtful things and demand to know where your partner is and what they are doing.
  • You imply that how they feel is not fair and even wrong. They are “supposed” to be in love with you and happy.
  • You give guilt trips about how they are acting. “We should at least be able to spend time together with our kids.”
  • You try to take control by avoiding your partner or telling them not to contact you, even though you would love more closeness.

When your partner is not feeling trust, love, or attraction and you get into a power struggle with them over it, what you are doing is showing them that you have no clue how to make them happy or meet their needs.

You are showing them that you are a “taker,” not a “giver.”

You are showing them that you do not understand their needs.

You are showing them that you do not realize that in a couple of key ways, the relationship was not a good deal for them.

With one simple comment, you wipe out their trust, respect, and love for you.

What you need to do instead is drop the power struggle and give your partner a new experience of you: the experience that you are their soul mate – the only person on earth who can make them truly happy.

Only when they have this new experience can you build the love back up.

LOVE Loss Mistake #2
Losing Your Confidence

The second mistake that most people make when their man or woman checks out of the relationship is to lose their confidence. Here are some signs that you are losing your confidence:

  • Your motivation is low and you do not feel a burst of joy when open your eyes in the morning.
  • You find yourself doubting that your partner still loves you (or if they ever did).
  • You find yourself doubting yourself, including how lovable you are.
  • You are finding it difficult to eat right and exercise every day.
  • You are not sure how to act around your partner anymore.
  • You talk about your relationship to your friends and family but it doesn't really make you feel better.
  • When you think that your relationship might be over, you feel pessimistic about the future.
  • You do not think other people would find your fascinating, sexy, or desirable.

The problem with losing your confidence is that you take away your power to rescue the relationship. This is because confidence is the very essence of attraction.

Confidence is universally attractive and fear is universally unattractive.

Think about it for moment: everyone, including your partner, wants someone who believes they are worthy. Everyone wants someone who thinks they are a ‘catch.’ Everybody wants the real thing. Nobody wants a counterfeit coin.

Instead of losing your confidence, you need to get it back to an even higher level than before.

This will make you irresistible and cause your man or woman to feel desire, longing, and passion for you again.

The good news it that getting your confidence back is much easier than you think – and you don’t need your partner to change to do it.

LOVE Loss Mistake #3
Being Emotionally Needy

The third mistake is be emotionally needy.

When you are emotionally needy it’s because you’ve accidentally and unconsciously become addicted to the approval of your partner.

Here are some signs you are acting emotionally needy:

  • You bend over backwards to please your partner, even when they are not trying to please you.
  • If your man or woman does not respond to you right away, you call or text again to get a response.
  • You wait around for your mate rather than making plans of your own (put more effort into seeing them than they do into seeing you).
  • You speak in a low, sad, or unhappy tone of voice (but don’t realize it).
  • You hesitate to flirt and act sexy around them and constantly look for signs they are still attracted to you.
  • You buy them gifts, give them money, and try to make their life easier financially (try to buy their love).
  • Rather than getting a life, you invest all your time and energy into changing your man or woman’s mind about you.
  • You suck up to them by giving them ‘puppy dog’ glances, telling bad jokes, giving them too many compliments, getting too dressed up, etc
  • You let them treat you poorly by allowing them to be flaky, letting them vent on you, and putting up with sarcastic remarks or passive aggressive displays of anger. 

If you are being emotionally needy, it goes without saying that your partner will lose respect for you.

This kills passion because for your man or woman to desire you, first they must respect you. They must feel lucky to be with you. They must feel they are ‘trading up.’

What you need to do instead is make your partner respect you so they are drawn to you in an irresistible way.

They will feel pulled towards you even if they do not want to be, as though they are in a tractor beam on Star Trek. This will unlock their heart and motivate them to build the love back up.

Here is the GOOD NEWS…
The Truly, Madly, Deeply Program
Will Show You How to Get the
Love You Want

Starting today you can access a simple, paint-by-number, 3-step breakthrough system for taking that all crucial first step to getting the passion back, saving your marriage and even stopping your divorce – even if you’re the only one who wants to do this right now.

And yes, I realize this sounds like a total fantasy in a world filled with hype.

But, if you stay with me, I’ll give you the tools to genuinely re-build the love and the passion that you once had with your partner and make your bond virtually unbreakable.

The Origin of the Truly, Madly, Deeply
Training and Coaching Program

Earlier I said I would share my story so you know exactly why I can help you…here it is…

I got interested in the subject of love mastery because many years ago I made some serious mistakes in my own love life, causing my soulmate to break up with me for three long (miserable) years.

We had been up and down for a while, but the break up still came as a shock to me. In my mind, my partner was my The One.

When the End came, I was not prepared at all. I would wake up every day and have to tell myself that we were not together any more.

Looking back, my partner really had completely ‘checked out’ of the relationship, but I thought we were still happy and in love.

In the three years that followed, my partner and I stayed close. The situation went from bad dream to total nightmare. I looked on while my ex fell in love with THREE new people.

Each time, I thought my ex would wake up and say, “Just kidding! This has all been a big mistake! I’m so sorry. Will you take me back?

But of course, that never happened.

I remember the moment I hit rock bottom. I felt like I had tried everything to move on. I had gone to countless counselors and read hundreds of books.

I did everything from meditation to hypnosis to even more radical healing methods like energy tapping.

You name it, I tried it.

But, I was still heartbroken. No matter what I did, my ex was always the last thought that I had before going to sleep and the first thought I had when I opened my eyes in the morning.

My friends told me to forget my partner. They said it was “not my loss” and that I was wasting my time. I seriously felt like I had been dropped on an island where I didn’t speak the language or know any of the terrain.

All I wanted was to either stop loving my ex or somehow fix this broken relationship. Yet, both things seemed impossible.

Not only did my ex seem to be in love with a new person, everyone else thought I was a lovesick fool who kept hanging on.

I realize that most of you are not in such a dire situation. But that’s the good news, because it means you only need a fraction of the help I did).

Then, as I said, I hit rock bottom. One night, I let my ex stay at my place because we lived in different cities back then. I ended up lying awake until the wee hours of the morning because my ex had gone out…on a date.

No, that’s NOT a typo. My ex was my houseguest, yet out on a date — with someone else!

There I was, lying in my bed, wondering, “Will the nightmare ever end?”

It was then that I knew that to have any hope being whole again, I needed to learn three things:

  1. How to let go of trying to control my partner (give up the power struggle).
  2. How to stay confident (know my worth) no matter what my partner did.
  3. How to re-attract my partner.

That was the moment I decided to stop listening to my friends and family, the internet, or even our counsellor (who was very good and a delightful person, but had no clue how to help me).

I decided I was going to somehow get the answers I needed to win and fix this relationship.

But I wasn’t going to keep making the same mistakes over and over either. I was going to change.

That’s exactly what I did.

I changed how I thought about relationships. I changed how I thought about my partner. 

And especially: I changed how I related to my partner.

I didn’t do it alone. I hired many more coaches and counselors, read more books, and went to more seminars.

(Okay, this one is a wee bit embarrassing, but true: I even sent money to a “Get Lover Back in 1 Day” psychic guy I found in a tabloid. (I’m sure that was a scam, but I was desperate…and desperate times call for desperate measures).

When the dust settled, I had spent nearly $40,000 over a three-year period. In the end, however, the price tag was nothing, because what I got was priceless.

I’m happily married to this same person today (in fact we just celebrated our 17th wedding anniversary). We have two beautiful children, and our relationship just gets better and better.

But that’s not even the best part. The best part is learning the principles of love mastery made me an infinitely better person.

Through it, I evolved from someone who was afraid of losing love or not being good enough to someone with a secure, confident mindset in all my relationships.

You see, in order to fix my broken relationship, I had to fix the part of myself that was derailing it. I don’t say this to impress you or brag in some way.

I say it to impress upon you that there is nothing wrong with you. And, through it all, the most important thing I did was unlock my partner's heart.

It all started when I realized that it was POSSIBLE to get the passion back.

I realized it was POSSIBLE to rescue the trust, the passion, and the love.

I realized it was POSSIBLE to stay confident no matter what my partner did.

Before that moment, I had become paralyzed by the idea that it was NOT possible, because everyone told me it could not be done.

Not only is it possible to learn, it’s a specific, repeatable, paint-by-number process.

After my victory came, I was able to dig deep and figure out what worked, what didn’t work, and how you can use what I learned to avoid the horrible trial and error I went through!

I cant say enough great things about Lisa.. I was having a very bad situation with my boyfriend where i just assumed there was no way id get him back.. But Lisa steered me in the right direction and thru her course realized what our issues were. She also promptly got back to me via email with all my questions. So he is back and basically wants to get married! Lisa is 100% genuine real deal... No games and manipulation. I highly recommend any of her courses. I did the relationship rescue but am going further with her other courses... Thanks Lisa!

- Heather Nocks

Ready to Start Creating Lasting, Passionate Love?

Now You Can Learn What It Took Me Over $40,000 to Learn…

This is the essence of my message. It Is possible to re-build the trust, re-ignite the passion, and get your relationship back on track.

You CAN get your partner to back in love with you and change how you relate to each other in a positive, passionate way.

You are not destined for heartache. Like me, you simply need some training – and not all the traditional stuff out there. You need some practical advice that actually works.

I’m also not saying you have to wait three years to be successful, either. Quite the opposite! I am going to put you on the fast track to success in your relationship.

If I had had access to the insights and action steps of relationship mastery long ago, it would have saved me years of unnecessary heartache.

This is a major reason I do what I do. I want to spare you the agony of what I went through. So, believe me when I say that I know what you are feeling. I would not wish it on my worst enemy.

In the past 19 years, I’ve worked with thousands of people to help them fix broken marriages, stop divorces, get their exes back, re-kindle the passion, repair the trust, and simply be a happy couple again. It wasn’t enough for me to fix my situation.

I needed to know that the system that I stumbled upon would work for anyone.

That’s why I spent 13 months researching and testing my system in applied work with real people before doing paid coaching.

And in this training program, I’m going to release the precious, prized secrets that previously only my coaching clients have been privy to.

I’m going to show you how to take that crucial step of unlocking your partner’s heart so you can rescue the passion, re-build trust and attraction, and get your man or woman obsessing about you just like in the early days.

One of the reasons I’ve been so successful at this is because I don’t just teach the correct action steps to take.

I teach you how to gain the courage to win that allows you to get your confidence back so you can actually execute these steps.

This is so crucial because it’s not enough to know what to do. You need the confidence to do it.

If you are ready to get started healing your heart and getting the love and the passion back, click here to order.

You will get immediate access to everything I learned the hard way so you won’t have to suffer a day longer. Get your power back starting today.

I feel immensely lucky to have found Lisa as a coach. After my ex-husband left me and I was in crisis and had been looking for more than my therapist offered (great listening but very little for action items), I found Lisa. We embarked on an extraordinary journey, Lisa finding critical and key insights into what had happened in my past, my old patterns, and, importantly, how I could break out of these perceptions to find the confidence I was looking for. I successfully attracted my husband back. I went from being disempowered to having the choice of whether I wanted to be with him again. I am deeply indebted to Lisa for the incredible work we did together. She is absolutely the reason I found myself again, found love again, found inspiration again, found a way to break out of an old mold – it was time and Lisa broke through where therapy could not. I owe her so much. If you are looking to turn a corner in your life, to find momentum again, to be confident in yourself, look no further. Lisa’s coaching is nothing short of extraordinary.

- Priscilla Pettit, Veterinarian 

Ready to Start Creating Lasting, Passionate Love?

Here’s What’s Included in the Proven and Tested Truly, Madly, Deeply Training and Group Coaching Program:

Online Relationship Mastery Training

You will receive transformation training to provide you with the skills of relationship mastery. There are 3 breakthrough, paint-by-number secrets you will learn:

Step One

In Step One, you will learn my proprietary Compatibility Code Protocol for discovering exactly what to think, say, and do to bring your partner’s mental and emotional guard down.

Once their guard is down, they will stop being cold, aloof, unaffectionate or just plain rude.

They finally experience you once again as the only person on earth they could be truly happy with.

You will literally feel let out of an emotional prison, because you will know exactly what is going on in the mind of your partner.

You will know why they`ve been acting so distant or shut down or resentful and how to reverse it. Never again will you wonder, “Where did the love go?

Best of all, your man or woman will be relaxed, open, and trusting again because you have shown them over and over that you are the only person who can ever make them truly happy.

Step Two

In Step Two, you will learn one of my exclusive Courage to Win® Doubt Destroyer Technique for getting your confidence back once and for all, allowing you to re-attract your partner with ease.

When you re-attract your man or woman, you re-program your man or woman’s experience of you and make them think about you, want you, and desire you.

When this happens, they are motivated to start building up the trust again.

But, you can only re-attract your man or woman when you are completely confident in your worth.

Never again will you lose your confidence around your partner and or feel hopeless to win the game of love. Never again will you worry about feeling unlovable or undesirable. You will feel solid in your worth and able to attract the love of your life with ease.

Lovers Getting Back Together Holding Heart Balloons

Step Three

In Step Three, you will learn my unique Magic Magnetism Method to completely alter your partner’s emotional experience of you without any drastic action or massive change on your part.

You’ll activate a perpetual flow of intense, passionate thoughts in your partner and cause them to obsessively think about you over and over even if they don’t want to because you’ve re-activated the sexual and romantic chemistry that was so strong in the beginning.

Instead of making the 3 Love Loss mistakes, you will re-ignite the deep, romantic, sexual love that is still there between you, waiting to be unlocked.

I’ve seen the good, the bad, and the ugly when it comes to love. I spent over 13 months researching and testing how to Relationship Rescue 101 in real life situations with clients, so I know what works (and what doesn’t). You’re going get the benefit of this painstaking research so you can move forward with total confidence

These are high impact strategies you can implement in days and weeks, not months or years. I will walk you through the process, step-by-step, what to say, text, and do in the following situations:

  • What to do if your man or woman does not want to spend time with or even talk to you
  • How to rebound from feeling depressed, angry, and helpless about being rejected
  • What to say and do if your man or woman has checked out of the relationship
  • How to handle it if your man or woman keeps bringing up divorce and or how unhappy they are
  • What to do if your man or woman will not touch you, be affectionate with you, kiss you, or say I LOVE you
  • How to handle a situation where your man or woman seems to have moved on with another person
  • How to repair the situation if you did things in the relationship that were negative, unattractive and even desperate
  • How to reverse feeling unlovable, undesirable, and as though there is no hope for your relationship

The best part is that when you learn how to unlock your partner's heart, your man or woman will WANT to re-build your relationship or marriage – it will be completely their initiative, because they have changed their perception of you.

One thing is for sure: If you have found your way to this website, it means that you know that the love you have with your man or woman is special.

It is a deep and meaningful love, not just something you are settling for.

This moment is a real, genuine opportunity for you to resurrect that love and get on the road to making it better than it was, even on better than on your honeymoon.

Working with Lisa through the end of a difficult relationship was in many ways a life saving experience.  She allowed me to see things from a perspective that I was not able to do on my own.  Taught me the skills I needed to process all of the hurt and pain associated with the relationship and my past.  Her guidance and support provided the skills I needed to move forward positively, and the confidence that the end of my marriage was not the end of my life.  I highly recommend working with Lisa if you are struggling in a relationship, her guidance and support are invaluable!

- David Kramer 

Ready to Start Creating Lasting, Passionate Love?

World-Class 1 on 1 Coaching
with Lisa Lane Brown

Lisa Brown

You will kickstart your transformative journey with a private, 1 on 1 coaching call directly with me, Lisa Lane Brown. 

This isn't just a call. It's a tailored experience crafted exclusively for you. With a decade of coaching under my belt and a track record of guiding thousands to relationship mastery, I bring a wealth of insights to our conversation. 

I understand the stumbling blocks and challenges that often sabotage our path to love, and during our call, I'll map out a strategy for you to navigate them effortlessly. But this isn't just about avoiding pitfalls. It's about walking the path to love with stunning ease and simplicity. 

With personalized attention, we are setting the stage for a relationship transformation like never before.

2x Weekly Coaching Calls
with Lisa Lane Brown

Picture this: two dedicated group coaching calls each week, where you don't just listen but actively participate, asking me—your seasoned relationship expert—your burning questions. These calls aren't typical one-size-fits-all advice. They are your chance to tailor the program to your unique situation. 

Wondering how to rescue a relationship hanging by a thread? Need insights on rebuilding trust and infuse the magic back into your connection? Struggling with feelings of loneliness, isolation,
rejection, or confusion?

These calls are your direct line to clarity. Reclaim your confidence, enhance your communication skills, and experience the transformative power of personalized guidance by getting all your questions answered each week.

In Truly, Madly, Deeply, your journey isn't a solitary one. You are in a supportive environment getting guided towards creating the lasting love you deserve.

Private Truly, Madly, Deeply

Beyond the one-on-one and group coaching calls, your access to our private community is a game-changer.

Imagine a space where people just like you share victories, setbacks, and insights. It is a community united by the common goal of reigniting love. This isn't just a forum; it's a lifeline, a haven where you can lean on others, gain fresh perspectives, and offer your own wisdom. The power of collective support fuels the entire program.

When you feel understood, supported, and connected, you grow and develop at an exponential pace. The community forum is where the power of shared experiences transforms you so you can make your love story extraordinary.

Mental Toughness Training

In the rollercoaster of relationships, maintaining your emotional footing is key. That's why Truly, Madly, Deeply goes beyond conventional approaches—we empower you with mental toughness training. You get custom-crafted audios designed to program calmness and confidence into your very core, even in the most challenging moments.

This isn't just about weathering the storm. It's about emerging unscathed and stronger. As you navigate emotional turmoil, these audios become your steadfast companions, fostering resilience that transcends every dark moment along the way

What's more, your unshakable confidence becomes the bedrock on which you rebuild trust, attract your partner, and become an expert communicator.

One Year Full Access!

You get a full 12 months in the Truly, Madly, Deeply training and coaching program, which means you're not signing up for a superficial band-aid fix. You're guaranteeing yourself a lifetime of love

Of course, I'm not suggesting it take 12 months to see results! The 12-month access ensures that you can truly immerse yourself in the process, allowing the magic to unfold between you at its own pace.

The simple fact is that once you are clicking as a couple again, you will want to make sure that your love and passion lasts this time. Your reconnection will not be a fleeting moment; it will be a permanent bond that stands the test of time.

Bonus Gift

The Courage to Win® in Life
Online Program

Retail value: $297

Relationship Rescue 101 Disc

When you enroll in the Truly, Madly, Deeply Program today, you’ll also get a copy of my best-selling online training program, The Courage to Win® in Life ADVANCED Training Program.

In this training, you will discover–and master–the hidden key to creating a life of joy, fulfillment, and true greatness.

If you isolate ONE THING about high achievers—the one thing that has put them at the peak of success above anything and everything else–it is their inner game of courage.

I’m not talking about traditional ‘save a child from a burning building’ courage.

I’m talking about the Courage to Win®: the power to take action on your dreams and believe in your inherent worth despite fear, rejection, failure or intimidation.

It’s the ability to stay in control and triumph when facing setbacks, loss, disappointment, and challenges.

Those who possess this precious mental toughness factor know how to start from ground zero and build a lifetime of joy, fulfillment and true greatness against all odds.  

My Courage to Win in Life ADVANCED Program will walk you through the three secrets of deep mental toughness so you can create a life of joy, fulfillment, and true greatness.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it possible to rescue a relationship overnight? Of course not. But I do know that enrolling in my program today will dramatically improve your chances of rescuing your relationship even if you think it is unlikely you can turn it around.

And, nothing in this program is something a marriage counselor or a therapist is going to provide. In fact, they’re often accidentally causing the relationship to collapse. I promise you that there is nothing else in the world like this

None of the other love mastery programs offer the same level of applied tested research with real people the way mine does. I’ve done my homework.

Now let me ask you: How much it is worth to you to have your man or woman in love with you and the two of you happy again? How much is it worth to you to get your life and happiness and confidence back on track?

There’s nothing worse than constantly wondering if you could have done or said something that would have made your partner be madly in love with you again.

I could charge hundreds and even thousands of dollars for this program.

Some marriage counselors charge over a hundred dollars an hour and the horrible truth is that more than 45 percent of all couples that attend professional marriage counseling get divorced anyways.

I’m not going to charge you three hundred dollars. I’m not even going to charge you close to what a marriage counselor will be charging you because I want as many people to be able to access it as possible.

The regular price for this training program will be at least $197 and it will be worth ten times that. But in our post By Invitation Only sale to my loyal subscribers, if you sign up today, you get the entire system plus the Bonus Gifts for just $3,000USD.

Everything you need to start the process of rescuing your relationships is available immediately after you sign up. There aren't any shipping fees and or waiting for the mailman to deliver a package.

Just download the program to your computer or mobile device and get going.

If you choose to leave this page today, I cannot guarantee you’ll ever get this offer again. So, grab it while it’s still available.

There’s a lot of crap for sale on the internet these days, so to prove that I’m not a fraud and that this program really does work extremely well,

I’m going to guarantee your success.

Money-back Logo

With Our DOUBLE Guarantee, You Cannot Lose!

I am known for fanatical customer service.

I treat you the way I wish every company treated me. We guarantee that if you enroll in this program, you will know exactly why your relationship is in crisis and exactly how to fix it or we will DOUBLE your access to our coaching and expert support.

This is how confident we are in your success!

And don’t worry about time. You have 90 days to decide whether you feel the program is giving you the value we have promised.

The Biggest Risk of All?

Speaking of risk, perhaps consider that the small investment in this program will provide a greater return financially than almost any other investment you could make. Consider this:

According to Martindale Nolo Research, the average cost of a divorce is $15,000 to $50,000, and depending on the complexity of the cost, location and attorney experience it could cost much more.

Average annual child support costs $5,160 (U.S. Census Bureau), and average property settlement in a divorce is between 60% and 40% of the couples total assets! (Investopedia).

Imagine losing up to 60% of your net worth because you did not make a small investment in your marriage today!

Once again, here is what you get in the program:

Truly, Madly, Deeply
Training and Group Coaching Program

Online Relationship Mastery Training

(Value $997)

World Class 1 on 1 Coaching

(Value $1997)

2x Weekly Group Coaching

(Value $9995)

Mental Toughness Training

(Value $2997)

The Courage to Win in Life ADVANCED Program

(Value $297)

Private Community


Total Value: $16,283

Only $2,995

One-time payment!

Ready to Start Creating Lasting, Passionate Love?

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I access this training program?

This is an “On-Demand” training that you can access at any time.

Once your payment is submitted you will receive an email with your login details for a webpage where you’ll be able to access the training. It is a “go at your own pace” program so you don’t have to worry about missing anything.

  • Who Is This Program For? 

Anyone who is interested in learning how to turn around a struggling LOVE relationship, whether you are still in the relationship or not.

  • People who are getting very little affection, intimacy, or sex in their relationship
  • People who are in a marriage crisis where their partner is talking separation or divorce
  • People who have gone through a painful break up or divorce and still want to mend things, no matter how long ago the relationship ended
  • Why Do You Need Relationship Rescue 101?

The short answer:

If your man or woman has a closed mind towards you, this means they do NOT trust you. They are focusing on all the ways the relationship is not working or did not work. They are forgetting all the deep love and the amazing moments you shared.

Most important of all, they are not attracted to you right now. They are not desiring you, obsessing over you, or fantasizing about you. If you want to get the passion, romance and love back, the first thing you need to do is unlock your partner’s heart, and fast.

Lisa Brown

PS – Here is perhaps the most important point: if you’re like most people, you’ve spent months and even years trying to improve your relationship (and your communication skills) for that matter.

You’ve invested the time, but perhaps never gotten the rewards you should. 

Doesn’t it make sense to explore how these tools I’m offering you today at a ridiculously low investment so you can finally gain the personal security, love, and confidence you deserve?

More Success Stories

Rick Grafton

"I’m crazy at fifty"

I’m loving the Courage to Win®. I feel like a kid again.

It has helped me tremendously in so many aspects of my life. Without this coaching I would doubtless have taken years to make the progress I have in much shorter time.

What I enjoy most is the inner confidence.

It makes me appreciate who I am and how great life can be.

-Rick Grafton
President Grafton Capital Corp

Dave Archer

"Mental toughness has changed my life.

I was able to overcome an emotionally devastating divorce and find ways to deal with close relationships.

Mental toughness training has also given me the skills and to deal with life issues ranging from financial through health/ fitness and relationships of
all types.

-Dave Archer 
Bantrel Engineering 


"I became a better version of myself"

I have met with Lisa for years now and she is the most caring, compassionate, and genuine person that I have had the pleasure to know.

She helps me become a better version of myself after every one of our sessions. 

The best part is that Lisa has given me the confidence to overcome adversity in my past and has given me the tools to build a successful future for myself and my children.

Thank you Lisa!

-Shannon Hart 
Registered Nurse  

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