Relationship Mastery Program

Now You Can Trigger the Love, Attraction, And Unshakable
Confidence You’ve Always Wanted In Your Relationships–
Without Any Extra Energy or Effort!

You Will Discover How To Eliminate the Fear of Rejection,
Create Rock-Solid Connections, and Ooze Charisma
At Home And Work NOW

From: Lisa Lane Brown, M.A.

Dear Friend,

Now you can unleash your natural ability to get the love, respect, appreciation and passion you deserve in all your relationships…while eliminating your fear of rejection and gaining unshakable confidence at the same time.

Here is what I’m talking about: My name is Lisa Lane Brown, and I’ve had a few ‘hard knocks’ of my own when it comes to relationships.

In fact, nine years ago my spouse broke up with me.

Although we were very much in love, there were some things I just didn’t understand about how to create super-successful relationships…and quite frankly, I made some pretty serious mistakes that led to a three year break up.

I won’t bore you with the gory details, but suffice to say that I needed to fix my ignorance about how to consistently trigger attraction in another person, how to create a rock-solid emotional connection, and how to assert my needs without creating hurt, resentment, or tension.

Of course, the main thing blocking me at the time was my ‘inner game’ – my fear of rejection and abandonment, something most of us secretly harbor in close relationships.

I can honestly say that making a decision to handle these fears once and for all – and learning the exact skills and techniques for making relationships happy and harmonious – has been the biggest achievement of my life.

The one area we MUST succeed in is relationships. Above all else, what we are really seeking is love, especially self-love.

Woody Allen said,
“80% of problems come with hair on top.”

Yet, figuring out how to get love and respect from key people in your life just might be the most difficult challenge. That’s because 80% of what you’ve been taught in this area (including advice from your friends) is dead wrong.

If you want proof of this statement, pause for a moment and think about the person who is frustrating you right now. How long have you been living with and tolerating the same problems, conflicts, and patterns? If you’re like most people, it’s been years…and no matter how much ‘good advice’ your friends give you, or how well meaning it is, most of it does not work.

The harsh truth is that your relationships are a mirror of you. You can blame the other person all you want, but deep down, you know you’ve seen this movie before…YOU are the common denominator.

For things to change, you must change.

Are you ready to get started?

Relationship Mastery Is What Gives You Emotional Security And Unparalleled Confidence

The program I’m describing today is called “Relationship Mastery,” and it’s designed to help you get massive success in your relationships NOW.

You may already know that I’ve worked hands on with over 6,200 clients in the past 16 years, helping them create mental toughness and personal confidence – especially when it comes to relationships.

That’s why I know that it’s quite possible that what you are missing most is…

Someone Who Cares That Is Actually QUALIFIED To Help You Succeed In Relationships

The best present I can give you (so you can avoid the heartache I experienced) is ME

…my knowledge, my caring, and my ability to help you heal the fears that are holding you back from getting the love, respect, or support you deserve.

I am opening the doors (but only slightly) to a few select individuals who want to create phenomenal relationships with their spouses, friends, colleagues, and even children by sharing with them the secrets to Relationship Mastery.

I am severely limiting this program because I will be spending time coaching each person in the program. This personal attention is one of the ways I separate myself from other people in my field.

But, I must warn you. This program is not for ‘everyone’. I do NOT want you to enroll if you think this program is going to produce an overnight miracle or if you just want to complain about your spouse, mother-in-law, or boss. You must be ready to work with me and implement my suggestions and reap the rewards.

On the other hand, if you are ripe for a change, tired of not being cherished, appreciated, or sick of not getting the cooperation you deserve, this program might be the exact solution you need.

I will show you how to:

  • Quickly and profoundly enhance your self-esteem in relationships
  • Realize your inherent lovability and attract passionate love
  • Stay secure and resilient when you are criticized
  • Be self-reliant in relationships, no longer held hostage by the rejection of others
  • Ooze charisma – learn exciting new ways of communicating with employees, colleagues, friends, children (and yes, even spouses) that will cause them to seek out your opinion, hang onto your every word, proffer help, and pursue you for quality time
  • Ask and negotiate for what you need in your relationship (including space) without creating hostility, arguments, or resentments
  • Restore passion to any relationship using the precise actions needed to permanently set your union up for sustainable passion and admiration
  • Stop romantic rejection or divorce NOW
  • Motivate people, move others to action, skillfully negotiate projects, deadlines, and performance reviews
  • Become a masterful, commanding leader who inspires action, trust, and ‘team’ in the people around you

Here are the 6 Building Blocks you get access to in the Relationship Mastery Special:

Building Block 1

The Diagnosis – 1st Coaching Consult with Lisa

The first thing you need is an accurate, specific diagnosis for what the REAL problem is in this relationship – exactly what’s causing the other person to withhold things like acceptance, generosity, compassion, and cooperation from you. Hint: It’s rarely what you think it is.

In our first 45 minute Coaching Consult together, I will expertly diagnose what the underlying root cause of problems in the relationship so you can remove them once and for all.

But our time together won’t begin on the phone. Before we begin, you’ll fill out my special Assessment Tool about the relationship so that we ‘max out’ on our time together.

This consult will literally life the stress and worry you’ve been having over the relationship right off your shoulders – and give you the exciting hope of knowing that the problems between can be cured.

I will also give you a specific ‘game plan’ for the next 30 days of the relationship to make specific, measurable progress immediately.

Also, while I am 100% accepting of you, if needed I will give you serious HONESTY about your relationships, including if you should walk away–and what kind of relationship you should find instead. Some therapists and counselors out there ‘pander’ to their clients and hold back on the truth simply to keep you as a client. I am invested in your success and will give you the honesty necessary to achieve it.

Your consult with me will be scheduled within 24 hours of enrolling in the program. This means that our first Consult will take place within 7 days or as soon as your schedule permits.

Retail Value: $200.00

Building Block 2

Catapult Yourself To Breakthrough Confidence And Success Home Study Program

Your foundation for successful, lasting relationship starts with you – your inner game.

Your real power in every relationship comes from your inner confidence and mental toughness.

In fact, when you’re coming from a place of inner security and confidence, you don’t really need any relationship ‘techniques’ at all…you can simply be YOURSELF and have your relationship flow effortlessly.

To create this rock-solid inner game, you use my complete guide to total mental toughness, “Catapult Yourself To Breakthrough Confidence And Success 30 Days” Home Study Program.

Imagine having a proven, step-by-step mental toughness formula for conquering low confidence, depression, love pain, career underachievement, and money stress. This formula was developed and tested with over 6,000 people in the last 14 years and unlocks the key to breakthrough confidence.

In this program, you get four private Courage to Win® Lessons Delivered to You Online Once a Week – This program is THE personal success manual of the 21st century.

You get Action Training Audio DVDs Featuring Lisa Lane Brown – An audio series that guides you step-by-step through your training and mental toughness action assignments.

You get Lisa’s Weekly Coaching Answers to your Mental Toughness Action Assignments — Access to the exact same behind-the-scenes coaching, advice, breakthrough insights Lisa has given to over 6,000 clients.

This 30 Day Home Study Program will provide you with the inner game foundation you need to handle stressful relationship challenges. It is completely downloadable and you will be able to access in moments, with no wait time.

For more details on this best-selling online training, click here.

Retail Value: $297.00

Building Block 3

How To Make Yourself Irresistible Audio Program

Of course, you need some relationship fundamentals, which I give you in my “How To Make Yourself Irresistible” audio program.

In this powerful program, you will learn:

Personal Relationships

  • How to turn around romantic rejection and re-connect with an ex-lover or spouse
  • The exact steps to rescuing a passionless marriage
  • How to handle family members who rebel and ignore your requests
  • A proven method for dealing with self-absorbed friends
  • Specific steps you must take if you discover your spouse has been unfaithful
  • How to gain more consideration, kindness, and listening from your spouse and children
  • A proven method for making your spouse more enthusiastic about housework, childcare and anything else he or she is resisting
  • How to stop your partner or spouse (or anyone else) from criticizing you

Work Relationships

  • Exactly how to get a moody boss or colleague to treat you with respect
  • How to prevent employees from taking advantage of you
  • The formula for neutralizing the office bully in meetings or other forums
  • How to get a domineering boss to listen to your ideas
  • A quick and easy way to turn around a complaining customer or boss
  • (and make him happy instantly)

All Relationships

  • The #1 relationship mistake and how it leads to you feeling rejected and unappreciated (it’s not what you think)
  • The source of all conflict in relationships
  • How to master the inner game of relationships, including your abandon

In addition to getting the audio program, we will include the never-before-released written transcript of this program. Both the audio program and the transcript are downloable and immediately accessible upon enrolling in Relationship Mastery.

How To Make Yourself Irresistible Audio Program
– Retail Value:$39.97

Transcript – Retail Value: $19.95

Building Block 4

Stop Romantic Rejection Now Book

In this radical volume, I address an issue that can destroy your confidence: being rejected by the person you love most. This book will teach you exactly what to do and say to reconcile with your lover or spouse. You’ll learn:

  • The 4 core reasons why relationships fail and how to determine which of them were at the heart of your break-up
  • Simple, step-by-step instructions for exactly what to do and say in your next conversation to open your ex’s mind (most people do the exact wrong thing and end up losing out forever)
  • The #1 relationship mistake that causes a lover or spouse to lose passion and respect for you and how you can correct it instantly
  • The 6 CRUCIAL conversation topics you MUST stick to right now or you will alienate your ex all over again
  • Exactly how to “challenge” your ex and re-trigger his/her sexual attraction for you
  • The easiest and most comfortable way to get your ex to open up about your relationship again
  • 3 powerful moves that will make your ex trust you and leave emotional baggage in the past
  • The 4 step method for nurturing yourself through rejection pain so you remain confident, strong and resilient while you win your ex back (especially if he or she is dating someone new).This book is downloadable and available immediately upon enrollment in the Relationship Mastery program.

Retail Value: $19.95

Building Block 5

The Blueprint – 2nd Coaching Consult with Lisa

Your 2nd Coaching Consult with me will take place 20 – 30 days after your initial consult depending on your schedule and availability.

In this second 45 minute call, we will review your progress and set out an exact blueprint for what you need to do in the next 60 days to continue your excellent progress. This blueprint will be based on your unique relationship situation and temperament and will keep you on track when there are minor setbacks in the relationship.

I’ll provide support and encouragement so that you stay strong, motivated, and hopeful.

You’ll always feel that treated with the highest of respect and intelligence. And, I will be completely invested in your relationship working out.

Retail Value: $200.00

Building Block 6

Three Email Consults With Lisa Lane Brown

Finally, as your ultimate ‘safety net’ in case you run into any unexpected roadblocks or simply need quick coaching, you’ll be able to email me.

I realize that life happens, and that you get busy. I will provide three email consults over the next 12 months. This is your opportunity to take advantage of my ability to keep you on track when you are emotional, tired, or having a knee-jerk reaction to something that’s happening in the relationship.

Retail Value: $149.00

Let’s recap everything you get with the Relationship Mastery Special:

1.   Diagnosis Coaching Consult with Lisa Lane Brown (Retail Value: $200.00).

2.  The “Catapult Yourself To Breakthrough Confidence And Success in 30 Days” Home Study Program (Retail Value: $297.00).

3.  How To Make Yourself Irresistible Audio Program (Retail Value: $39.97) and Transcript (Retail Value: $19.95).

4.  Stop Romantic Rejection Now Book (Retail Value: $19.95).

5.  Blueprint Coaching Consult with Lisa Lane Brown (Retail Value: $200.00).

6.  Three Email Consults with Lisa Lane Brown (Retail Value: $149.00) Taken together, these 6 Building Blocks are worth $925.87.

Your Investment

Your low investment for this program is just $549 $497.

Remember, I am only accepting a handful of clients in this private Relationship Mastery Special so you can create the wonderful relationships you deserve (and escape the years of heartache I suffered). My only regret is that I didn’t have access to this type of information and support years ago. I would have saved myself much agony and personal stress. But, it exists for you today.

Choose from two payment options: a simple one-time payment of $497. Your order will be processed on our secure server in only a few moments, and you will be able to download your online training, books, and audio program immediately. Or, call our office at 1-403-261-2726 and enroll over the phone immediately, before all available spots are taken.

To your success,

Lisa Lane Brown, M.A.
Author, The Courage to Win®

PS – Here is perhaps the most important point: if you’re like most people, you’ve spent months and even years trying to improve your relationship (and your communication skills) for that matter. You’ve invested the time, but perhaps never gotten the rewards you should. Doesn’t it make sense to explore how these tools I’m offering you today at a ridiculously low investment so you can finally gain the personal security, love, and confidence you deserve?

P.P.S. – If you would rather enroll by phone, then call our office at 1-403-261-2726 today. You can ask us anything you like about the program to ensure it is for you before enrolling.