Stress Management Training

Learn Secrets Most People Will Never Know
About Stress Management Training

You’re Listening to Lisa Lane Brown


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Call 403-261-2726 or enter your name and email below to get your FREE consultation on how to reduce stress and double your productivity, motivation, and results.

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The 300 Billion Dollar Problem

According to the American Psychological Association, job pressure is the #1 cause of stress. The annual costs to employers in stress related health care and missed work is approximately 300 billion dollars in the US alone.

When people are under too much stress, they feel frustrated and panicked…that there simply isn’t enough time to get the job done.

They can’t remember things they already know, can’t process new information, can’t make good decisions, and are prone to making costly and even dangerous mistakes.

As the stress mounts, they become sensitive to criticism, get depressed and paranoid about job security, feel jealous of ‘in control’ co-workers, suffer from hot tempers and low self-esteem…and even resent the company!*

Excellent Leadership Doesn’t Guarantee Results
Why Do People Fail Under Stress?

Under Stress, People…

Don’t know how to get emotional control
Don’t know how to communicate
Don’t know how to motivate themselves

Astonishing Stress Management Solution
Allows You to Double Your Productivity,
Eliminate Stress and Time Poverty, and
Explode Your Effectiveness

This website gives you the chance to:

Eliminate ‘time poverty’ by refusing to overwhelm yourself with too many challenges – and instead focus only on high value priorities that give you results.

Let go of anxiety, stress, and negativity so you are mentally, physically, and emotionally fresh and ready to perform.

Double your productivity by no longer “switching off” at crucial moments and raise your game instead using powerful concentration.

Eliminate procrastination so you can take action consistently and perform with your genius on autopilot.

Stop dwelling on past errors and failures and re-gain your confidence and motivation.

Start your day ‘fresh and flying’ right from the start so you can crush even the most intimidating tasks with ease.

Expertly manage conflict and interruptions (which make you lose focus) so you can remain in a cocoon of high performance throughout your day.

Here’s What This Discovery Is All About

My name is Lisa Lane Brown and you’re about to learn secrets most people will never know about stress management.

I got interested in stress management, personal productivity and mental toughness years ago as an elite athlete.

Back then I really struggled to deal with the stress of competing and suffered from extreme confidence swings.

One week I felt invincible; the next, my confidence came crashing down. I never knew why, and it really hurt me all the time.

I wanted to know what high achievers knew that I didn’t.

So, I read hundreds of self help books, listened to thousands of audio tapes, and attended oodles of self-improvement seminars.

There was some remarkable material out there, but none of it provided a genuine antidote for stress – one that allows us to get back in control and actually restore our motivation, confidence, and productivity.

In fact, many of these techniques (like positive thinking, cognitive therapy, and relaxation techniques) were superficial, exhausting, and only helped ease stress temporarily.

That’s when I realized that most stress management courses have missing pieces.

I went on a mission to find answers, and experimented with some unusual ideas that went against traditional thinking.

Eventually, I overcame my personal demons and scored the winning goals in three world championships. At this point I knew I was on to some important ideas.

For the next 16 years I worked with over 7,200 people in 1,300 seminars across North America.

During these years, I made a simple observation.

In company after company, regardless of the industry, I saw people reacting the same way to stress.

Every time, the person assumed his stressors were unique and personal to him.

This would lead him to avoid challenges and responsibility…often the person would go on temporary stress leave, or try to get a new role, or switch bosses…but the stress and low productivity would return.

That’s when I realized that the issue is not stress.

It was the mindset he was bringing to these stressors.

The Four Deadly Mental Mistakes
People Make When Facing Stress

I was astonished to discover that whenever we are stressed out, de-motivated, and unproductive, we are making four ‘mental mistakes’ in trying to manage stress:

1. Self-pity

We protest having to deal with the stressor in the first place. “I should NOT have to deal with this!”

2. Emotional Avoidance

We avoid facing our fear about the stressor – which only intensifies it and makes us procrastinate. “I don’t care what he thinks. I’ll just email him from now on.”

3. Disowning Desires

We pretend that winning is not that important. “I didn’t get the sale, but he would have been a difficult customer anyway.”

4. Pride

We refuse to admit we lack the skills needed to succeed. We go it alone, rather than getting help. “I’ve got this.”

How to Become Happy, Productive,
Motivated, and Stress Free

I discovered that the path to being happy, productive, motivated, and stress free lay not in avoiding stress, but rather in defeating these four mental mistakes.

Here’s how you can explore Courage to Win® approach for free, right now. In my complimentary stress management newsletter, you will discover:

#1 trick for conquering stress at work

How to double your productivity in 30 day or less

An easy, effective way to eliminate time vampires from your life

What supervisors do to cause people’s disengagement at work to skyrocket by 45% (from the Gallup organization)

Secrets to naturally letting go of stress, negativity and unhappiness at work

How to communicate flawlessly to get results and trust, even with difficult or moody people

Just enter your name and primary email address below for free, instant access:

Privacy: We’ll never share your email address with anyone.
By entering your email address, you are agreeing to receive our free stress management newsletter. You can unsubscribe at any time.

With the Courage to Win’s Stress Management Seminar and Executive Coaching solutions, you will discover how to double your productivity, double your enthusiasm, and double your results. Call 403-261-2726 to request your FREE consultation today.

“What I enjoy most is the inner confidence.”

Rick Grafton, President Grafton Capital Corp
I’m crazy at fifty – I’m loving the Courage to Win. I feel like a kid again.What I enjoy most is the inner confidence. It makes me appreciate who I am and how great life can be.Rick Grafton President Grafton Capital Corp

“ I got control of my time and my life!”

Penny Donnan, Mortgage Associate, Jencor Mortgage Corp
"I got control of my time and my life. I feel like a winner!" "My struggle was time management. There was never enough time to do everything I had to do, let alone what I wanted to do. I felt swamped... miserable and confused. I am very impressed how quickly I started to see results. In Lisa's 30 Day program, I learned how to work through the obstacles one by one. I feel energized and know what is truly important in my life. I know how to prioritize tasks and eliminate roadblocks. I feel like a winner! I'm a happier and more productive person."Penny Donnan

“ Her guidance and mentoring have been invaluable”

Geoff Moysa, McMillan LLP
Lisa's course has changed the way I look at meeting challenges, both professionally and personally. Her guidance and mentoring have been invaluable.Geoff Moysa

“ I’ve worked with Lisa as a personal mental toughness coach”

Shannon Miller, Olympic Coach, Women's Hockey
Genuine confidence is an absolute necessity if you want to reach your potential. I've worked with Lisa as a personal mental toughness coach and have accessed Lisa's talents in training teams I have coached. Lisa's work is very effective because she delivers the training at the level the clients need...and it's the type of training that you take with you and use on a daily basis towards success.Shannon Miller

Light it up out there,

Lisa Brown is the founder of the Courage to Win and is considered the world's leading expert on deep mental toughness for success in career, love, and sport.

She has personally coached over 7,200 achievers to new heights and conducted over 1,300 live seminars on mental toughness across North America.

She has been featured by major media including the New York Times and Entrepreneur Magazine, who called the Courage to Win “a straight-forward guide to success, highly recommended.”
